Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kicking and squealing

Another hilarious video.

Nina kicking and squealing.

Amazing to see how tall she's getting!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

On strike!

Last week Nina started a bottle strike - she just flat-out refused to take a bottle, and would only eat from the boob. Try to give her a bottle, and she screams, kicks, and spits. Needless to say, it's been a huge pain in the you-know-what.

So, after yesterday's visit to the doctor, we decided to try solid foods. This video shows Nina eating solid food (rice cereal + breast milk) FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. As you can see, she did REALLY well - she figured out how to open her mouth and slurp that food off of that spoon!
This is a very exciting development, for a lot of reasons. The least of which is our new day care situation (she's going two days a week so that mommy can work). Last week Nina screamed and cried (and slept) the whole time - refusing to eat. Hopefully, now that she can be spoon-fed, she'll have a better time (of course, she'll still get most of her calories from breast-feeding).

Oh yeah, and the doctor reports that Nina is growing and developing wonderfully. She's 14 pounds, 3 ounces and 23 inches tall!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nina finds her voice!

Hey blog readers. We have here some super-cute pictures of Nina. One with her mommy, the other with her cousin Ryan. As you can see, her little face is already quite expressive.

Stay tuned, 'cause our next post will feature pics of Nina with her grandmothers.

At the bottom, we present a video of Nina "talking" to mommy. Yes, little Nina is starting to find her voice.
