Nina's up to 1755 grams, which is about 3 pounds, 14 ounces - almost 4 pounds!
Nina's a busy little girl. When she's not working on her breast-feeding skills, she's either sleeping, or laying down some seriously stinky poops, or both.

Nina LOVES to suck on her little pacifier, and she is always eager to breast-feed, but when the nurse tried to give her a bottle today (for the first time), she was utterly confused. Most of the milk ended up on her chin. The look on her face ("This isn't my pacifier, and it isn't a boob, WHAT IS THIS?") was so cute, we had to capture it on film.
o my god! mounif is pointing at the pictures saying nina! and then he is saying more (his sign) and nina! cant wait til they meet.