Thursday, April 8, 2010

Houston, we've got liftoff!

Houston, we've got liftoff! Daddy changed one poopy diaper, only to hear (and feel) the blast of another in the making, just as Nina settled onto my chest. What a gas!

The doctors did a head ultrasound this morning (standard procedure for preemies) and found a small bruise on Nina's brain. They rate these from 1 to 4 (4 being the most severe). According to the doctors who looked at the bruise, "it's less than one." The docs think it will heal on its own, with no cognitive effects. They'll do a weekly ultrasound just to make sure, though.

Mommy and a few nurses report seeing Nina start to make a sucking motion with her mouth, and that she's able to briefly get a few good pulls on a pacifier. Baby steps!


  1. So happy to hear all the progress!! Go Nina!!
    I have my tickets and will be there to see you all on April 17th. I will forward my itinery tomorrow. Daily prayers for you little dear and for Mommy and Daddy,too!! Can't wait to be with you all!
    Lots of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
    Grandma Karen

  2. Oh you guys....I am just so thrilled that little Nina is doing so very well! I am so happy to see her little face, it truly brings tears to my eyes to see her being so strong! I am amazed at how much she is "eating" already!! You guys hang in there, like I said before, it is the BEST place for her to be....enjoy the kangaroo time, enjoy the cuddling and smelling her little head....before you know it she will be chatting your ears off and practicing her ABC's!!
    Thinking of you,
    Cynthia, Andrew, Kaitlyn, Seth & Luca Tronrud

  3. This is all such good news, you guys! I'm so glad to hear Nina's making such progress. Two poopy diapers in a row!
    And I'm so glad the Ronald McDonald house is so great. More good ol' Vermont hominess... :)
    Hugs and kisses to you all.
