Friday, April 9, 2010

Story time

Nina heard her first book! She made it through about 42 pages of The Cat in the Hat, chirping, wriggling, and looking up at Daddy throughout, before drifting off to sleep.

Here's some more good news we forgot to mention in this morning's post: Nina's pH is now balanced, she gained another 20 grams since yesterday, and her bilirubin is down enough that she no longer needs the UV light treatment.

While Nina dozed, one of the docs stopped by to chat. He said that more than 90% of babies born at 28 weeks of gestation have respiratory problems, require intubation, etc. The doctor added that there are still potential complications down the road. "Those are for me to worry about, though," he said, "not you."

"She's beating the odds,"
said the Cat in the Hat.
"She's cute as a pod,
now it's time to get fat!"


  1. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love you all,
    Grandma Karen

  2. Every morning I get up, turn on my computer, and look for my dose of Nina. What a great way to start the day.

    We are sending good good thoughts in her direction - can't wait to see her in person!!!

    Love to you both,
    Deborah et al
